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September 2015

Thank you for visiting this site.

After a year of sporadically posting blogs, my postings are becoming more regular. I am a bit surprised that my own journey, my personal life struggles and theological insights, continue to function as the foundation for these postings.

My thoughts continue to center around Christian theology and the Christian spiritual journey that entails spiritual mentoring and spiritual formation.  You will see this focus in the blog's Categories list.

I continue to marvel at the centrality of writing to my sense of identity and purpose in this world.  I don't know if many will ever see what I write, but that seems to be unimportant.  What is important is that I write.

About this site . . .

You can find my most recent reflections to the right of this page in the Recent Posts list.   (If you are viewing this website on a smart phone, the blog topics are listed at the bottom of this page.) My latest blog appears at the top of the list.  At times, a theological theme flows through several posts.  Thus, if you are new to this site, it might be helpful to start at the bottom of the Archives list and work your way up to the most recent post.

If you want some background information on why I've started this blog, you can read Introduction to the Blog found under the Blog tab at the top of this page.

I expect to be posting blogs for decades to come, thereby gradually compiling thoughts on a wide variety of topics, but all centrally anchored in Christian theology, spiritual growth and spiritual maturity concepts.

My desire is that you enjoy what you read here, and that my thoughts intrigue you enough to pursue an ever-deepening spiritual intimacy with God as you continue on your own journey.

Many blessings as you take God's hand and journey on.

Update August 2020

I started this blog in September 2015. It has been four years since my last post in October 2016. I have been on a very intense, massive transformational journey with God during those years. I am not the same person I was then, and I suspect there are a lot  more changes to come over time. Thus, it is not easy to decide where and how to jump back in to the work I was doing four years ago. What I do know is that the focus of my ministry and the things God continues to impress upon my heart have not changed. The focus of the call mentioned in the Introduction is still the same. The sense of ministry to others is still the same. I trust that God's Spirit will continue to guide me to write what is on the Father's heart now, that which he wants his people to know. And I pray I will be a faithful servant of his word.

May this website bring encouragement to you, insight into theological topics, stir up deep wonder at who this God of the Bible really is, and promote a deeper hunger to seek more intimacy with this God who loves us all.

Blessings on your journey!